


Donor Project Title Year
CHIPAWO TRUST Arts Education for Development and Employment Ongoing Since 1989
CHIPAWO is developing a Centre for Children in Harare – not just for CHIPAWO children but for all children. Mntwana Children’s Development and Entertainment Centre will consolidate all CHIPAWO’s various sites and activities – administrative offices, PPR, programmes and projects, musical instrument making, wardrobe and props, performances and media. The largest building will be a circular Children’s Palace, which will feature an open-plan library, exhibition area, café, internet, drama rehearsal room and dance studio. In the centre of the great building is the auditorium, built specially for children’s performances. Ongoing since 1992
UNESCO/ CHIPAWO TRUST Musical Instrument Manufacturing Project 1994
CHIPAWO TRUST Children’s Annual Christmas Show Ongoing since 1995
CHIPAWO TRUST Children’s End of Year Concert Ongoing since 1995
DAIRIBORD ZIMBABWE 13-part children’s television programme 1995
SIDA CHIPAWO arts programme an arts education for development and employment centre bursary Scheme 1996
CHIPAWO MEDIA Video documentary projects Ongoing since 1996
SIDA / CULTURE FUND OF ZIMBABWE Disadvantaged Rural Children Centres – Bringing Chipawo To More Children 1996-2016
GOVERNMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS Core Support contract 1997-2000
UNESCO ZIMBABWE 10 Day Module for Training Performing Arts Teachers for schools 1998
CHIPAWO TRUST Mwana Anokosha- The Child is Precious Ongoing since 1999
CHIPAWO TRUST The Girl Power Project Ongoing since 1996
UNICEF Children against AIDS festival UNICEF based on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Global Movement for Children 2000
MINISTRY OF JUSTICE FUNDED BY DFID Wills and Inheritance laws –

A national multi –media campaign

CHIPAWO TRUST Youth Trainee Scheme Ongoing since 2002
DANIDA Poverty Alleviation through Job Creation in the Performing Arts 2002-4
UNESCO ‘Approaches to Arts Education Southern Africa’ Regional Seminar 2002
DELTA CORPERATION Reach Out Project 2002
UNICEF/NATIONAL AIDS COUNCIL/EUROPEAN UNION. Theatre communication on gender and HIV/AIDS with young people Project 2003
SIDA Disadvantaged Rural Children Project 2003
UNESCO Multicultural Arts Education for Mentally Handicapped and Disadvantaged Children 2003
GERMAN GOVERNMENT Handicap and the Girl Child Advocacy through the Arts and Media 2003
UNICEF ZIMBABWE Kwanatete Project life skills and behaviour change clubs and camps 2003/4
CHIPAWO TRUST Children’s and Young People’s drama, dance and music performances Ongoing since 2003
ROYAL NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT Umoja Flying Cultural Carpet Project, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Norway,Mozambique Music Camp 2003-2012
CHIPAWO MEDIA Children’s television programmes 2003-2014
Zimbabwe Academy Of Arts Education For Development/DANIDA Arts Education Diploma and Certificate courses, Arts Education for Development and Employment Train the Trainer Courses and Vocational Skills for Rural Youth 2003
Zimbabwe Academy of Arts Education for Development Library and Documentation Resources Centre 2003
UNESCO 10 Day Module On Performing Arts Education 2003
UNICEF ZIMBABWE Kwanatete Girls Clubs And Camps – Who Need Aunties 2003
UNICEF/MINISTRY OF HEALTH Girls Education Movement Leadership Camp 2004
MS ZIMBABWE Youth to Youth Project 2004
SIDA 10 days Disadvantaged Rural Youth Marimba and Media Training Project 2004
NORAD/NOWERGIAN EMBASSY ZIMBABWE Chipawo Institutional Support 2005-2015
DANISH EMBASSY OF ZIMBABWE/ Ms ZIMBABWE Hans Christian Andersen Bicentenary 2005-6
MS ZIMBABWE / DANISH EMBASSY OF ZIMBABWE First television programme in Sign Language for and by the deaf in Zimbabwe with a 13 part series entitled ‘HandSpeak’ 2005
SWEDISH EMBASSY ZIMBABWE Handicap and the Girl Child Advocacy- Give us a Chance 2005/8
NATIONAL AIDS COUNCIL Theatre communication projects on gender and HIV/AIDS 2005
ROYAL NORWERGIAN EMBASSY OF ZIMBABWE Ibsen comes to Zimbabwe Project 2006/7
UNESCO -ZIMBABWE 10 Day Module for Training Performing Arts Teachers for schools 2006
UNICEF ZIMBABWE Be In School Campaign – Theatre Participatory 2006
CHIPAWO TRUST Staged Theatre for Television Project 2006
EUROPEAN UNION ZIMBABWE Theatre communication projects on gender and HIV/AIDS 2009
CHIPAWO Ndeipi Gen’a Television Programme 2009-2016
BETHANY PROJECT Training Course For Arts Education For Development Programme 2010
EMBASSY OF SPAIN ZIMBABWE Mutambo Wapanyika- Life Is A Dream 2010/13
IBSEN CENTRE, ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSY ZIMBABWE, 21 Day International Camp on Henrik Ibsen’s work “Negotiating Ibsen in Southern Africa”- project 2011/12
HIVOS FRIENDS FOREVER Cultural Exchange Programme 2011
ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSY ZIMBABWE Negotiating Ibsen in Southern Africa Project 2012-2014
UNESCO/SWISS ARTS COUNCIL AND THE SWISS EMBASSY Confronting HIV/AIDS from a cultural perspectives 2013
The President’s Fund The CHIPAWO Annual CHRISTMAS SHOW 2014
CHIPAWO Youth Empowerment through performing arts 2014
UNICEF ZIMBABWE ONE minute junior film advocating for children`s rights 2014
UNDP and Civil Protection Theatre awareness on water borne diseases and lighting and hazards 2014
UNESCO Confronting HIV/AIDS from a cultural perspectives 2015
VISA International Financial management and literacy training though performing arts 2015-2016
PEPFAR, JSI, CULTURE FUND OF ZIMBABWE Dreams Innovation Challenge for Adolescent Girls and Young Women 2017-2019
UNESCO International Mother Language Day Celebrations 2017-2018
President’s Fund Donation CHIPAWO activities 2017
University Of Glasgow Culture Tourism and Capacity building for young people 2018-19
CHIPAWO Trust SAFE Festival- Southern African Festival for Children and Young People 2019-current


ASSITEJ International The New Dawn 2020
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF),

Arts and Humanities Research Council (UKRI),

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and

University of Glasgow (UK)

Culture for Sustainable and Inclusive Peace (CUSP) 2020- Current
NORAD/ UNICEF Communication for Development (C4D) campaign to use theatre and arts for raising awareness on inclusion of children with disability. 2021
African Culture Fund Revitalizing Creative Life for Children and Young People 2021
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF),

Arts and Humanities Research Council (UKRI),

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and

University of Glasgow (UK

Creative Corridors 2022